I loved your Meetup! It felt like a piece of me was recharged. You helped me to realize that self-care is just as important as the care I invest in others... I'm so thankful that our paths crossed! You truly are an incredible individual and I can see that you are changing many lives for the better!" -Jessi, USA
You've got a goal, a business, or a dream of some kind. You're working on it, but things are... slower than you'd like. Success comes in fits and starts, or incremental progress that is less than exciting. But how do you speed up success? You can't force it, right?
Well maybe you can't force success, but you certainly can speed it up a little. In our last Meetup, one member had the excellent idea of an acceleration theme for our next Meetup. In a sense, this entire group is based on the idea that we can have what we want a little faster if we pay attention to it, rewire personal blocks about it, and do a little planning.
Can we get more progress on our goals, business or dream without 'efforting' more? Is that a thing?
Something tells me yes. And something tells me the answer lies in collaboration. We all have blind spots and need a little help seeing what's missing in our strategy. Even if it's the belief that success is possible!
Come accelerate with us this month and see what's possible when you have a team of others ready to help you see why things are slower than they could be. The same team can hold you accountable to speeding up. This is Mastermind.
Well maybe you can't force success, but you certainly can speed it up a little. In our last Meetup, one member had the excellent idea of an acceleration theme for our next Meetup. In a sense, this entire group is based on the idea that we can have what we want a little faster if we pay attention to it, rewire personal blocks about it, and do a little planning.
Can we get more progress on our goals, business or dream without 'efforting' more? Is that a thing?
Something tells me yes. And something tells me the answer lies in collaboration. We all have blind spots and need a little help seeing what's missing in our strategy. Even if it's the belief that success is possible!
Come accelerate with us this month and see what's possible when you have a team of others ready to help you see why things are slower than they could be. The same team can hold you accountable to speeding up. This is Mastermind.
Past Events
What You Need to Know to Start or Grow Your Micro*
*Micro. A single digit firm of fewer than ten. Most are a force of one.
Six Classes Cramed Into One Day!
9:15A-10:15A PLAN . Biz Plan vs GAP Plan. What's Best?
10:30A-11:30A LEGAL . Entity Choice & Common Issues.
11:45P-12:45P FINANCIAL . Banking + Bookkeeping.
1:15P-2:15P WEBSITE . Do It Yourself Options
2:30P-3:30P MARKETING . Identifying and Marketing to your Ideal Client
3:45P-4:45P WRITING . Your Elevator Speech
Come for one, two or all.
Cost: Complimentary, but register online here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/joule-u-cram-day-for-micro-startups-business-coops-nonprofits-registration-40791079216?aff=ehomecard
PLAN . Jackie Menne, Micro Advocate, Joule MB2MB Magazine + Guide
LEGAL . Kenneth Kunkle, Kunkle Law, PLC
FINANCIAL . Julie Novak, BankCherokee
WEBSITE . Nicole Lynskey, Lynskey Coaching & Consulting
MARKETING . Gracie Miller, Live Life Purpose Coaching & Consulting
WRITING . Joe Zeigler, Mr. Write
Hosted by [Joule] at Venture Academy . 315 27th Ave SE . Minneapolis . 55414
Convenient Location just off University by 280.
Off Street & On Street Parking
What to bring:
*Micro. A single digit firm of fewer than ten. Most are a force of one.
Six Classes Cramed Into One Day!
9:15A-10:15A PLAN . Biz Plan vs GAP Plan. What's Best?
10:30A-11:30A LEGAL . Entity Choice & Common Issues.
11:45P-12:45P FINANCIAL . Banking + Bookkeeping.
1:15P-2:15P WEBSITE . Do It Yourself Options
2:30P-3:30P MARKETING . Identifying and Marketing to your Ideal Client
3:45P-4:45P WRITING . Your Elevator Speech
Come for one, two or all.
Cost: Complimentary, but register online here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/joule-u-cram-day-for-micro-startups-business-coops-nonprofits-registration-40791079216?aff=ehomecard
PLAN . Jackie Menne, Micro Advocate, Joule MB2MB Magazine + Guide
LEGAL . Kenneth Kunkle, Kunkle Law, PLC
FINANCIAL . Julie Novak, BankCherokee
WEBSITE . Nicole Lynskey, Lynskey Coaching & Consulting
MARKETING . Gracie Miller, Live Life Purpose Coaching & Consulting
WRITING . Joe Zeigler, Mr. Write
Hosted by [Joule] at Venture Academy . 315 27th Ave SE . Minneapolis . 55414
Convenient Location just off University by 280.
Off Street & On Street Parking
What to bring:
- Notebook and pen or laptop for note taking
- A lunch if you plan to attend multiple sessions

Tuesday, October 24 9-11am
Maple Grove Community Center
12951 Weaver Lake Road, Maple Grove, MN 55369
Free! To Register:
Career Clarity Now is a dynamic coaching Master Class. You will walk away with greater clarity about not only what you want to do, but how to do it- whether it involves changing careers, starting a volunteer position, or even starting a business! By rolling our passions and skills together and taking an honest look at our dealbreakers, we come to creative career options you never would have considered otherwise. You'll receive a free guide to go along with the class called 4 Steps to Creative Career Clarity that's yours to keep. Get ready because change is coming! What are YOU on Earth to do?
SPEAKER: Gracie Miller, Life Purpose Coach. With degrees and certifications ranging from Education and Workshop Design to Life Purpose and Career Coaching, Gracie’s passion is helping you find yours. Gracie doesn’t want to help you keep settling; she wants to help you love your life.
Tuesday, October 24 9-11am
Maple Grove Community Center
12951 Weaver Lake Road, Maple Grove, MN 55369
Free! To Register:
Career Clarity Now is a dynamic coaching Master Class. You will walk away with greater clarity about not only what you want to do, but how to do it- whether it involves changing careers, starting a volunteer position, or even starting a business! By rolling our passions and skills together and taking an honest look at our dealbreakers, we come to creative career options you never would have considered otherwise. You'll receive a free guide to go along with the class called 4 Steps to Creative Career Clarity that's yours to keep. Get ready because change is coming! What are YOU on Earth to do?
SPEAKER: Gracie Miller, Life Purpose Coach. With degrees and certifications ranging from Education and Workshop Design to Life Purpose and Career Coaching, Gracie’s passion is helping you find yours. Gracie doesn’t want to help you keep settling; she wants to help you love your life.
Vision Boarding!
Tuesday, November 28, 2017 6:30pm-8pm
Common Roots Cafe, 2558 Lyndale Ave South, Minneapolis $10
Common Roots Cafe, 2558 Lyndale Ave South, Minneapolis $10
“You can't be what you can't see.”
We'll visualize our ideal lives by creating a vision board. This is a continuation from last month's Ideal Day exercise, but you don't have to have been there last month to come. If you hate collage or glue, there will be a modified option so you can still participate. :)
First we'll imagine what we'd like to see by this time next year. Through collage, drawing (if desired), and dreaming, we'll create our futures. Then we'll take it one step further and check for any inner or outer roadblocks we foresee that could stop us, because we all know that you can't just make a vision board and watch the success roll in.
We'll continue this theme next month to make sure we have a viable plan of action to make 2018 our best year yet.
Bring: If you got 'em, bring printed pictures of yourself to literally see yourself being, doing, and having the things you want in the coming year.
All supplies provided, plus it's happy hour! The Common Roots back room has lots of table space to spread out and get creative. Let's have some fun!
To RSVP: https://www.meetup.com/Mastermind-Your-Life-Meetup/events/242900582/
We'll visualize our ideal lives by creating a vision board. This is a continuation from last month's Ideal Day exercise, but you don't have to have been there last month to come. If you hate collage or glue, there will be a modified option so you can still participate. :)
First we'll imagine what we'd like to see by this time next year. Through collage, drawing (if desired), and dreaming, we'll create our futures. Then we'll take it one step further and check for any inner or outer roadblocks we foresee that could stop us, because we all know that you can't just make a vision board and watch the success roll in.
We'll continue this theme next month to make sure we have a viable plan of action to make 2018 our best year yet.
Bring: If you got 'em, bring printed pictures of yourself to literally see yourself being, doing, and having the things you want in the coming year.
All supplies provided, plus it's happy hour! The Common Roots back room has lots of table space to spread out and get creative. Let's have some fun!
To RSVP: https://www.meetup.com/Mastermind-Your-Life-Meetup/events/242900582/

"It was good I came to this- I was very skeptical about attending. I found sharing about personal issues with others helped give a more real image about where I am and where I want to be. I realized a lot about myself, especially knowing how highly motivated and success driven I am. I have tools to help me engage those aspects. I most enjoyed visualizing my ideal life situation. That helped me realize that I need to set goals to help accomplish it." -Babatunde, USA